Is Indoor Air Quality Testing Necessary? Read To Find Out

Indoor air quality plays a significant role in ensuring your health and comfort at home. Therefore, you need to keep it at acceptable standards by testing it regularly. However, some homeowners feel like hiring professionals to test the air quality is a luxury and is unnecessary. But the test can help save money, avoid health challenges, and enhance comfort and quality of life. The following are three reasons why you should consider indoor air quality testing.  

1. Reduce Health Concerns

Indoor air can be contaminated with microbes, such as mold, which can cause respiratory complications. Additionally, gases like carbon monoxide from the dryer, boiler, water heater, fireplace, or gas stove can permeate your indoor air, possibly leading to poisoning. Another contaminant is dust from shoes or pets, which can cause coughing, sneezing, or asthma attacks.

Radon from the soil can also enter your house through crevices in the foundation. Also, it can come from your natural gas or water supply systems. Unfortunately, prolonged radon exposure can cause lung cancer. Chemicals, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs)—from paints, aerosol sprays, cleaning agents, disinfectants, pesticides, and new furniture and flooring—can also contaminate your indoor air.  

All these impurities can cause significant health complications. The best way to control these elements is by detecting them and taking measures to address the problems. The indoor air quality testing experts use advanced techniques to find the sources of the contaminants and eliminate them competently. 

Hiring air quality testing services is a more effective way to address the problem than using a home test kit. Besides, the experts will provide you with tips to prevent future air quality issues. 

2. Lower Electricity Bills

When your home has high humidity, your HVAC system will have to work harder to eliminate the excess moisture. High carbon dioxide levels in your house can also overwork your unit. Eventually, this will lead to increased energy costs. 

However, you can tell whether these elements are in high concentration and address the problem when you test your indoor air. Implementing solutions such as using a dehumidifier, fixing a plumbing leak, or opening windows, will lessen the stress on your HVAC. As a result, it won't use as much energy.   

3. Eliminate Odors

Your house may develop a musty smell due to mold, dirt, or dust. The unpleasant odor can make you uncomfortable, and you may not enjoy quality time with friends and family at home. Since indoor air quality testing helps you detect and eliminate contaminants, your house will have a fresher smell.

Every homeowner should hire specialists to test indoor air quality to prevent the adverse effects of indoor air pollution. 

For more information, reach out to a business that provides indoor air quality testing.  
